Derek Chauvin Conviction

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, a jury convicted former police officer Derek Chauvin of the murder of George Floyd, finding him guilty on all three counts. Center for Responsible Lending President Michael Calhoun issued the following statement: We all watched in horror last year as Derek Chauvin denied George Floyd the breath of life with a knee to his neck. While our fear that this obvious and extreme act of brutality might go unpunished has lifted, our hearts still hold the sorrow of precious lives needlessly lost. This brutal killing is part of the long legacy of racism and the killing of Black

Confirmation Hearing Held for Kristen Clarke for Justice Department Civil Rights Chief

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee this week heard testimony from Kristen Clarke, President Biden’s nomination for Justice Department Civil Rights Chief. Ms. Clarke, who appeared Wednesday during a 2 1/2-hour nomination hearing, is president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. She would be the first Black woman to hold the position since the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division was established in 1957. Center for Responsible Lending Executive Vice President Nikitra Bailey issued the following statement: Kristen Clarke’s upcoming confirmation vote

Over 415 Orgs Call on President Biden to Cancel Federal Student Debt Immediately using Executive Action

Washington, D.C. — Today, over 415 organizations sent an updated letter to President Biden and Vice President Harris, calling on them to use executive authority to cancel federal student debt immediately. In the letter, the 416 advocacy groups highlight that cancelling student debt would stimulate the economy, help reduce racial wealth gaps, and could have a positive impact on health outcomes. The groups write that “executive action is one of the few available tools that could immediately provide a boost to upwards of 44 million borrowers and the economy.” Further, this action would be an

CRL Commends Biden Housing Department for Acting to Restore Fair Housing Rules that were Defanged by Trump Administration

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), led by Secretary Marcia Fudge, announced steps to restore two key fair housing rules that the Trump Administration had gutted: (1) a regulation on the "disparate impact" standard for proving discrimination and (2) a regulation for the dismantling of segregation, as required by the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) section of the 1968 Fair Housing Act. The Office of Management and Budget posted notices indicating that the HUD rules have been accepted for review. "President Biden and Secretary Fudge

The Killing of Daunte Wright

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Yesterday, a 20-year-old unarmed Black man was killed during a traffic violation stop in a suburb of Minneapolis. Center for Responsible Lending President Michael Calhoun made the following statement: We offer the family of Daunte Wright, who was a beloved father and son, our sympathy, as we support the Black community and their allies who are expressing their pain and rage just miles from where a former police officer is being tried for the murder of George Floyd. Black Americans are living in fear for themselves and their families because police are not being held

U.S. Senate Passage of Extension of PPP

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to extend the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) through June 30, 2021. Center for Responsible Lending Director of Advocacy Ashley Harrington issued the following statement: We applaud the U.S. Senate for joining the House in extending the Paycheck Protection Program, and urge President Biden to quickly sign the bill into law. The PPP is a lifeline for small businesses, including many Black and Latino-owned businesses that are vital to their communities. The $800 billion PPP was implemented quickly, with little attention given to

Congress Introduces Resolution to Rescind “Fake Lender” Rule that Facilitates Predatory Lenders’ Evasions of State Interest Rate Limits

330+ groups representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia called for Congress to support a resolution to overturn a rule that helps triple-digit interest rate loans spread across the country by evading state and voter-approved interest rate caps WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) applauds Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Congressman Chuy García (IL-4) for introducing Congressional Review Act resolutions to eliminate a Trump-era regulation that helps lenders charging 179% APR or more and evade state- and voter-approved interest rate

Governor Pritzker Caps Consumer Loans at 36% in Illinois

DURHAM, N.C. – Today, Governor J.B. Pritzker is signing the Illinois Predatory Loan Prevention Act, which caps annual interest on consumer loans at 36%. The bill was part of a package put forth by the Legislative Black Caucus to address racial inequities in the state. It will save Illinois families more than $500 million per year in predatory fees and provide protections covering more than 12 million people. It passed the legislature with bipartisan support and by wide margins. Payday and car title loans typically charge over 300% annual interest in Illinois and trap borrowers in a long-term

Days Before Crucial Deadline, CRL Joins Over 300 Groups Calling for Congress to Rescind “Fake Lender” Rule that Facilitates Predatory Loan Schemes

Only a majority vote in Congress would be needed to overturn rule that helps triple-digit interest rate loans evade state and voter-approved interest rate caps and spread across the country WASHINGTON, D.C. – With just a few days left before a crucial deadline, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) today joined a broad coalition of organizations is calling for Congress to eliminate a Trump-era regulation that took effect in December and could “unleash predatory lending in all fifty states.” The rushed “fake lender” rule, which was issued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC

Over 60 Groups Urge Extension of PPP and Retroactive Application of Loan Calculation Rule

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, over 60 community development, civil rights, and small business groups urged Congress to extend the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) until June 30, 2021. The House voted overwhelmingly to extend the program, but the Senate has not yet voted. The group also called for a recent rule change in how loan amounts are calculated to be made retroactive. From the coalition’s letter: In this public health and economic emergency, we must do all we can to make sure our small businesses have the support and assistance they need to weather the crisis. That must be especially