The Head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Asks Congress to Gut His Own Agency

Hannah Levintova | Mother Jones
Mulvaney also advises that Congress create an independent inspector general dedicated to overseeing the CFPB. Debbie Goldstein of the Center for Responsible Lending, a financial services watchdog group, calls the suggestion “a red herring” given that the CFPB is already overseen by an inspector general that also monitors the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors.

For-profit Colleges Leave Students with Higher Levels of Debt and Lower Graduation Rates

A recent study by the Center for Responsible Lending finds nationally, for-profit colleges leave students with higher levels of debt and lower graduation rates, and often with no degree and no improvement in their job-outlook. Whitney Barkley Denney with the Center joined us in studio year to talk about their research and the need for greater state and federal protections...

CFPB's payday loan rule would be tossed under Lindsey Graham resolution

Joseph Lawler | The Washington Examiner
“The consumer bureau’s rule would help free people from this suffocating debt trap, and its efforts are supported [by] people all across this country including veterans’ groups, faith leaders, civil rights organizations, consumer advocates, and many more,” Center for Responsible Lending Federal advocacy director Scott Astrada said in opposing Graham’s resolution. “Congress should stop defending the payday lenders and reject...

How the rollback of Obama-era financial regulations could affect you

Jacob Passy & Maria Lamagna | MarketWatch
But opponents of the rollback say it will hurt consumers and increase risk, given that those banks won’t have as much oversight. “There is no doubt that if passed into law, this bill would encourage the finance industry to engage in the types of reckless lending that pulled Americans into a Great Recession,” said Yana Miles, the senior legislative counsel...

State Fines Lenders For Pushing Borrowers Into High-cost Loans

James Rufus Koren | The Los Angeles Times
Graciela Aponte-Diaz, California policy director for the advocacy group Center for Responsible Lending, said she is glad to see the Department of Business Oversight going after lenders for steering customers into large, high-cost loans, but also noted that the group would like to see higher refunds going to customers. "That's money that should have gone to pay their rent and...

Senate Banking Bill Could Make Mortgages Easier to Get From Your Local Bank

Sarah O'brien | CNBC
"This opens up a window for the return of some of the reckless financial practices that caused the crisis," said Yana Miles, senior legislative counsel for the Center for Responsible Lending. Part of the problem with the mortgage crisis, however, was that some lenders sold mortgages with little or no effort to ensure the borrower could actually afford the loan...

Dodd-Frank Rollback: 5 Ways Losing The Post-crash Reforms Could Affect Your Bank Account And More

James Dennin | Mic
Though lawmakers are still hammering out details, and the Senate’s banking reform bill would need to be reconciled with one from the House of Representatives, there’s been a common theme, said Scott Astrada, director of federal projects for Center for Responsible Lending: That would be less regulation — even for big banks that arguably don’t need it. “On a thematic...

Banking bill could weaken protections, lead to another financial crisis

Yana Miles | The Center for Responsible Lending
It’s been a decade since the financial crisis led to the Great Recession, which cost millions of Americans their jobs, homes, and savings. The “sand states” of Florida, California, Arizona, and Nevada were especially hard hit. At the center of this storm was the foreclosure crisis, the direct result of reckless mortgage lending facilitated by lax regulation.