The Bar For Credit, Not Consumer Protection, Needs To Be Lowered

Will McDermott | Scotsman Guide
Our primary concerns are ensuring that the system provides for access and affordability for all creditworthy borrowers. Right now creditworthy borrowers are being locked out of the system and being underserved. When we look at recent HMDA [Home Mortgage Disclosure Act] data — specifically the 2015 data — we are concerned to see low levels of conventional lending to borrowers...

Milestone: 15 Years of Fighting Predatory Lending

Self-Help Credit Union
In the late 1990s, leaders at Self-Help Credit Union began to notice a disturbing trend. While Self-Help was helping lower-wealth families buy their first homes, predatory lenders were busy targeting the same families for subprime refinances. Too often these refinances drained the homeowners’ resources until they lost their homes. When a borrower came to us owing more than $47,000 on...

How Trump's Plans To Curb Financial Protections May Affect You

Roger Yu | USA Today
Under the qualified mortgage rules, banks are largely banned from offering certain "harmful loan features," such as an “interest-only” period, loan principals that increase over time, balloon payments that come due at the end of a loan term and loan terms longer than 30 years. Such loans are safer for the financial industry and perform better for banks, says Sarah...

Robert Pittenger is Wrong: The CFPB Helps the Economy

Chris Kukla | Special to the Charlotte Observer
One clear lesson from the financial crisis is that common-sense rules of the road in our financial markets would have prevented the damage. It may seem amazing now that banking regulators would have to pass rules requiring lenders to make sure borrowers could actually repay mortgage loans, but that was the case only seven years ago.

Maine Students At For-profit Colleges Carry Heavier Debt Load, Report Finds

Marina Villeneuve
The non-partisan Center for Responsible Lending says the debt burden falls on low-income, female and minority students who disproportionately enroll at Maine for-profit schools. About 75 percent of students at such institutions take on student loans, compared with 66 percent and 41 percent, respectively, at private and public institutions.

Low-Income Tax Blues: April Can Truly Be the Cruelest Month

Bobbi Murray | Capital and Main
Yet banks are very much involved in the lives of the unbankable. They securitize and sell payday loan and car title loan debt. Title loans take the borrower’s car as collateral—when the note comes due the borrower can either re-borrow, pay fees or lose the car. Combined, these two loan types drain over $8 billion a year from consumers, said...