A round-up of recent news related to the Military Lending Act:

The effort to roll back financial protections for military servicemembers by weakening the Military Lending Act has garnered lots of press attention.

It’s in military-heavy states, in military focused outlets, in national outlets, inside-the-beltway, and in finance-focused outlets.

State/Local News

Military-focused News

National News

  • Vox: The Trump administration is dismantling financial protections for the military
    “Predatory lenders disproportionately target military members. The CFPB will no longer supervise them…. ‘This is akin to removing your sentries from guard posts on military compounds….’ Retired Army Col. Paul Kantwill [said]…. ‘If they’re trying to roll back those types of protections, we are absolutely going to raise hell about that,’ Murray, of the VFW, said.”

Inside the Beltway News

Finance, Government, and Consumer News

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